



5 fundamental tips for organizing a fairytale wedding

You are close to the wedding but many thoughts begin to overwhelm you: how to organize a wed-ding at best? The first steps are the most delicate and often for many spouses, it could become stressful.
Finding the location, researching the catering, identifying a possible theme, organizing the arrange-ment of the tables... all this without the help of an expert wedding planner may seem an insurmoun-table obstacle. However, there is no need to panic. Simply go through the steps one at a time.

At the Royal Hotel Sanremo we have organized many special events with our customers, inclu-ding weddings, so today we have decided to give you a general guideline on the steps to follow to organize a stress-free wedding!

How to organize the wedding? Five things that need to be done immediately

The organization of a significant event such as a wedding takes time. In fact, the first thing you need to do to avoid being overwhelmed with many things to do at the last minute is not to procras-tinate. Instead, get an idea of what you need as soon as possible.

You then start with drawing up a list of possible guests and choosing the date: in fact, unders-tanding the period in which you would like to organize the ceremony is very helpful because, with a range of dates in hand, you can contact the restaurants or locations where you would like to cele-brate the wedding and establish the date of the event as soon as possible. In addition, if you already have a general idea of the number of guests, asking for a quote will be even easier.

Once the number of guests has been defined, all that remains is to choose the location of the banquet. Our advice to future spouses is to draw up a list of your favourite accommodations for the reception, schedule an appointment, and visit them in person. You will be able to choose some of them in this manner by carefully evaluating the budget, the capacity based on your num-ber of guests, and if the dates are suitable.

Once you have established the dates, the number of participants and the location, it is time to hire suppliers such as florists, photographers, hairdressers, make-up artists, videomakers and musi-cians. Even this step, contrary to what one might think, must be done as soon as possible to prevent some other couple from booking them before you.

Getting married at the Royal Hotel Sanremo

Ci teniamo a ringraziarvi per aver letto la nostra guida e vorremmo salutarvi con un ultimo consiglio: se avete sempre sognato un luogo da favola per il vostro matrimonio, molto probabilmente il Royal Hotel Sanremo potrebbe fare al caso vostro. Una terrazza panoramica, un giardino da sogno, un ristorante a bordo piscina e altri all’interno in alcune delle sale più affascinanti che possia-te immaginare… qui c’è tutto questo e anche di più.
We would like to thank you for reading our guide and we would like to greet you with one last tip: if you have always dreamed of a fairytale place for your wedding, the Royal Hotel Sanremo could be for you. A panoramic terrace, a dream garden, a poolside restaurant, and others inside, in some of the most fascinating rooms you could imagine... this and so much more are all here.

Our team is at your full disposal to help and guide you in the realization of your wedding by proposing, without obligation, all our trusted suppliers and making the organization of the wedding even easier and more enjoyable.

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